类的礼物 to 沃拉沃拉大学

Each year’s graduating class presents 沃拉沃拉大学 with a gift as a token of appreciation. Below is a list of currently known class gifts. If you have questions or wish to share information about a class gift, email 校友 and Advancement 服务 (use alumni@tincyn.net)或致电(800)377 -2586.

类一年 礼物 五十周年庆典礼物
1892 未知的  
1893 未知的  
1894 未知的  
1895 未知的  
1896 未知的  
1897 未知的  
1898 未知的  
1899 未知的  
1900 未知的  
1901 未知的  
1902 未知的  
1903 未知的  
1904 未知的  
1905 未知的  
1906 未知的  
1907 未知的  
1908 B . J .斐济卡迪球场*  
1909 Elder Owens' Field of Honduras *  
1910 未知的  
1911 未知的  
1912 未知的  
1913 未知的  
1914 未知的  
1915 饮水机*  
1916 未知的  
1917 未知的  
1918 Gate Posts at Entrance to College *  
1919 Lights for the old Chapel *  
1920 礼物 to Emergency Project in India *  
1921 Concrete Steps at Entrance *  
1922 铁路 & Foot Curtain for the old Chapel *  
1923 WWC Sign above Ad Building *  
1924 Clock for 图书馆 in the Ad Building *  
1925 Lights for Clock in 图书馆 in Ad Building *  
1926 未知的  
1927 Lights for 音乐 Conservatory Auditorium *  
1928 Drinking Fountain on main floor Ad Building *  
1929 未知的  
1930 景观鱼池*  
1931 Curtains for screen in old Chapel *  
1932 未知的  
1933 老教堂的脚灯  
1934 未知的  
1935 Pongee Backdrops for the old Chapel *  
1936 Pulpit for Chapel at North end of Ad Building *  
1937 Lights at Entrance of Columbia Auditorium *  
1938 Fountains side entrances at Columbia Auditorium *  
1939 Pulpit/Chair for Platform in Columbia Auditorium *  
1940 Lamp Post by steps at Conard Hall Crosswalk *  
1941 目录 Board for Ad Building *  
1942 Clock with blue light for Columbia Auditorium *  
1943 图书馆图片*  
1944 German Bible for the 图书馆 showcase *  
1945 Bronze Lamp Posts for Conard Hall Entrance *  
1946 Traffic Light for Conard Hall Crossing *  
1947 Drinking Fountain at 图书馆 Entrance *  
1948 Triangular WWC Sign by bird bath Front Campus*  
1949 Steps at end of Hello Walk and sign lights for HW *  
1950 Fountain at N Campus Bird baths at N/Front Campus and Two clocks for Ad Building 图书馆 Chapel * 耶稣在威尼斯人彩票直营中间雕塑
1951 Fountain and Backstop on the Playground * 通信设备
1952 Platform Drapes in Columbia Auditorium * 鲍尔斯大厅书房天井
1953 Cash gift to provide furniture for the rostrum of the new church presented to Heubach 年度基金捐献
1954 奖学金 Religion Classroom in ad building
1955 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营 1955级捐赠
1956 学校的标志 捐赠奖学金
1957 Auto Page Drive-up Book Return for 图书馆 学生资助补助金
1958 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营 Bronze Medallion for Centennial Green and gifts to class loan fund
1959 校园饮水机 学生的任务 捐赠奖学金
1960 未知的 学生的任务 捐赠奖学金
1961 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营 学生的任务 捐赠奖学金
1962 Five lamps and posts in front of Church 罗萨里奥小屋
1963 Swimming Pool Fund/Small Rock Table in SAC 罗萨里奥客舱改造
1964 Mosaic of College Seal for 图书馆 图书馆 Mosaic Replacement (in progress) 图书馆 Boardroom Refurbish
1965 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营 1965届捐赠
1966 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营/2 paintings in 图书馆 图书馆 Refresh: Stack Study Areas
1967 Lettering for Tausick Pool sign Pedestrian Pathway between Bowers and Fine Arts Center
1968 Metal Modern Sculpture in front of Kretschmar Hall Memorial 奖学金基金会
1969 给SAC的画和钟 学生生活 and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress)
1970 Aquarium and gift to Student 任务ary Fund 捐赠奖学金
1971 图书采购基金 捐赠奖学金
1972 未知的 学生生活 and Ministry Center Meeting Room (in progress)
1973 Fireplace for ASWWC Lodge and 任务ary Volunteer (MV) work in Ethiopia  
1974 未知的  
1975 Water fountain for new addition to the College Church installed in 1985  
1976 未知的  
1977 未知的  
1978 Combined funds with 1979 class to give College Sign  
1979 Combined funds with 1978 class to give College Sign  
1980 未知的  
1981 Landscaping around Havstad 校友 Center  
1982 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1983 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1984 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1985 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1986 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1987 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1988 礼物 to Student 威尼斯人彩票直营  
1989 Ed Zaugg Memorial Fund for Student 奖学金  
1990 Renovation of Portico on the Front of the Ad Build  
1991 Centennial Garden south of the Life Science Center  
1992 Center Stage behind the 图书馆  
1993 Billy Budd Bronze Sculpture in front of 图书馆  
1994 HPE网球场照明  
1995 Chimes for College Church organ  
1996 捐赠奖学基金  
1997 Covered Picnic Table Outside Kellogg Hall  
1998 基督教援助中心(CAC)  
  目录 in Village Hall Lobby  
1999 Stained Glass pieces for windows in College Church  
2000 FAC外草坪的时间到了  
2001 WW County housing authority CAC playground for migrant worker area  
2002 广告大楼招牌  
2003 奖学金基金会  
2004 Teri Kuhlman 体育运动 Center - Ad Building Pillars Restoration  
2005 Ad Building Lobby Lighting - Bibles for College Church  
2006 Mountain Rents - Rose Garden at Rigby  
2007 大学纪念牌  
2008 Campus Bench/ City of College Place sign  
2009 SM奖学金  
2010 Student Center - Atlas House
2011 Class of 2011 Shari Booth 捐赠奖学金  
2012 Class of 2012 捐赠奖学金  
2013 图书馆 Collaborative Study Room  
2014 Class of 2014 捐赠奖学金 - 图书馆 Mosaic Renovation and Stack Study Areas (in progress)  
2015 梅斯克广场 & 村庄大厅  
2016 图书馆 Refresh: Stack Study area renovation  
2017 Class of 2017 Merit Award Endowment  
2018 Path around the athletic fields  
2019 攀岩墙增强  
2020 Furniture for White Family Terrace  
2021 Pickleball added to the tennis courts  
2022 Class of 2022 捐赠奖学金